Friday, January 31, 2014

The Year of the Horse

31 Days of Continuous Practice (well, almost:)

For 31 Days have practiced the Mother Sequence (minus two days). Attended a New Year Yoga Intensive in Ventura, Felt good after the workshop, and  decided to commit to the practice for one month. On some days only had 15 minutes, but was able to do the whole thing. Other days, 40 mins, sometimes and hour or hour and a half. Consistently feel improved upon completion of The Mother Sequence.

As an Ashtangii I learned the value of daily practice. This Sequence beckons with love, and life has improved. Feeling more emotionally balanced, have been able to grow physically stronger, feel more courageous and able to give and receive love, peace with equanimity.

So will keep going.  Practice to feel in sync with the Love and peace,  The practice of being joy and peace. Of breathing the Prana in the breath. Enhancing that eternal connection and deveoping the ability to nurture oneself and perhaps others is balancing. I breathe in this gift daily, and hopefully continue to share it freely.

Happy, Joyful, Peaceful Year of the Horse


Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Mother Sequence

Spent the New Years in Ventura and attended a Yoga Intensive based on The Mother Sequence by Jehangir Palkhivala. I had been previously introduced to it a couple of years ago by Brian Legere, the outgoing director of Ventura Yoga Studio. My partner bought the book, but it did not 'take'. I had practiced it a couple of times and shown it to my friend June who resonated and bought the book herself. Fast forward two plus years.

Granted we did the whole entire sequence for three hours at the intensive. Whereas before it was only fits and pieces. But I was blissed out after the first day. This sequence is not difficult. It sounds like a lot of yoga for three hours, but this is not hard core stuff. Anyone can do these simple poses with some modifications for beginners or those with limitations. There is a feeling of groundedness and well-being. It got me to uncovering a real sense of well-being. A balanced sense of peace and joy that is transcendent of worldly concerns.

I think what I like about it is that it does not feel daunting in anyway. You know when you go to think about the practice it is something you look forward to and anticipate. It is now day 5 for me; I have been practicing it everyday and it is making me feel better, a deep abiding sense of well-being and peace. It is helping come back to center and stay detached.

All the poses or positions have 12 breaths or movements, except shoulderstand which has 24. Today I did half due to time constraints and I even feel better:) Anyway, I want to put the word out there. Jehangir Palkhivala will be at the Ventura Yoga Studio in April for a 3-Day Workshop; I plan on attending. Also noticed he will have one in Kona in March.

All the best
Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year